Showgirl Awards
Over the past 40 years, the Queensland Showgirl Awards has gained a significant profile and is recognised for its role in developing young female leaders and shaping them into women of influence in their local or wider communities.
The Queensland Country Life Showgirl Awards are hosted at all levels of the agricultural show movement in Queensland–at a local level, at a regional (sub chamber) level, and at a State level coinciding with the Royal Queensland Show in August.
For more infomation click here ↓ https://qldagshows.com.au/queensland-country-life-showgirl-awards/

Rural Ambassador Awards
Entrants participate in a program that is designed to help them grow, network, develop their skills and hone their ambitions, giving them the confidence to return to their communities and industries and assume leadership positions. One attribute the finalists have in common is an enduring commitment to and involvement in their communities. Most have grown up with ag shows in their blood and are significant contributors to their local shows.
For more information click here↓ https://queenslandshows.com.au/rural-ambassador-awards/
Stories From Past Showgirls

A movement of empowerment..
Kayla Frew
2024 Mudgeeraba Young Woman of the Year.

A life changing journey..
Bethany McDonald
2023 Mudgeeraba Young Woman of the Year, 2023 South East Queensland Sub Chamber Showgirl
I could never have imagined the incredible opportunities I would encounter as a Showgirl. Holding the titles of 2023 South East Queensland Showgirl and 2023 Mudgeeraba Show Young Woman of the Year has been an absolute privilege.
When President Melanie Bryson initially presented the idea of becoming a Showgirl, I was convinced it wasn’t my path. I’m not one to step out of my comfort zone often. I am thrilled that she convinced me otherwise; these past months have been an experience I will never forget. Being a Showgirl has taught me so much, whether about myself, the local communities, or the Agricultural Movement.
Throughout my time as SEQ Showgirl, I have had the honour of attending various shows, including Gatton, Mt Gravatt, Canungra, Gold Coast, Beaudesert and of course Ekka.
The most remarkable experience was attending the Queensland Country Life Showgirl State Finals during Ekka in Brisbane. Not everyone can say they met the Governor of Queensland and received a personal tour of the Governor House by Her Excellency. Showgirl State Finals was an experience like no other.
Many in the Queensland Show community told me this journey would be life-changing, and while I initially doubted it, I wholeheartedly agree with them now. This once-in-a-lifetime experience could only be found in the Showgirl Program.
The Mudgeeraba Show Society is full of amazing, strong role models who I can’t thank enough for all the help they have given me. Melanie Bryson, Kelly Caldwell, Ella Parsons, and Kelly McMahon (among many others) deserve special recognition for pushing me to embrace the Showgirl Program.
As I bid farewell to this chapter, I am filled with deep gratitude, yet I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to guide and inspire the next generation of Mudgeeraba Show Ambassadors.
Join us as a Mudgeeraba Show Ambassador and be part of the excitement that brings the magic of the Mudgeeraba Agricultural Show to life!

An experience I will not get anywhere else...
Marina Hirose
2021 Mudgeeraba Showgirl
As the 2021 Mudgeeraba Showgirl, I got to experience a unique side of the Gold Coast and dip my toes into the agricultural community. I saw people from different regions coming together, helping out and participating in the Show for food, entertainment, live animals and local crafts. It was amazing to see the behind-the-scenes planning and work that went on. The Mudgeeraba Show community is made up of an incredible bunch of people. I feel very fortunate to have met them.
The Mudgeeraba Showgirl competition is important as it empowers young women by creating an environment that fosters growth, confidence, and leadership. My experience as Mudgeeraba Showgirl was marvellous. I had the opportunity to sash cows, scarecrows, and woodchoppers. I also took part in the Young Farmers competition, which was a great team bonding experience. As someone who didn’t live in Mudgeeraba or was not an active member of the Mudgeeraba Show community before 2021, I was worried I would feel like an outsider or that I wouldn’t be accepted, but that was far from reality. The thing that made my experience the best was the friends I made and my mentor (and 2017 Mudgeeraba Showgirl), Jessica Melling. The support from the other members of the group was amazing, and I felt so welcome.
My time as Showgirl made me feel confident in my public speaking skills too! I previously shied away from microphones or speaking in front of people, but the experience got me to step outside of my comfort zone. I am so grateful for my time as Mudgeeraba Showgirl, and I know it is an experience I will not get anywhere else. If anyone is thinking of taking doing this, all I can say is, jump in and do it. I loved each moment of it and wouldn’t change a thing.

Changing a Life... One Sash At a Time...
Jessica Cummings
2017 Miss Mudgeeraba Showgirl, 2017 South East Queensland Miss Showgirl, 2017 Miss Popular, 2018 Youth Committee Secretary, 2019 Youth Committee President, 2021 Youth Committee Vice President , 2022 Youth Committee President
What a journey that last 12 months has been! From being crowned the 2017 Miss Mudgeeraba Showgirl, South East Queensland Show girl and the winning Miss Popular at the Ekka.
Many don’t understand what an honour this journey has been. I have been able to represent my home town and the Agricultural Show Movement. If I had known what I was going to gain and learn from this experience I wouldn’t have waited until I was twenty-seven to enter and taken the step years ago.
At first some of my friends , family and co-workers didn’t quite understand what a Showgirl was. I was even asked if I had to dance or sing to win the competition. I can not help but laugh because it couldn’t be further from what the Showgirl awards stand for. When I entered this competition I was twenty-seven and have lived in Mudgeeraba for twenty-four years. I have always enjoyed the Mudgeeraba Show and was eager to be involved in the Agricultural Show in one way or another. Little did I know that making this decision has been a life changer. Over the last twelve months I have travelled to rural Queensland Communities, learnt about the joys and challengers our farmers face and now I have so much appreciation for the effort and love that goes into the QLD Agricultural Shows . One highlight of my year was staying on a friends cattle property in a train carriage they converted into bedrooms, however it is the many friends I have made all over Queensland who are the true treasure. These friendships will last a life time. Even though the Miss Showgirls days are soon to end, I will ensure I keep in contact with these people and visit them as often as I can.
I was lucky enough to have also represented the South East Queensland Sub chamber at the 2017 Ekka. It was here I was shashed Miss Popular. What an adventure this was, I made more friends, experienced the Ekka like I had never done before and even visited Parliament house and had tea with the His Excellency, the Governor of Queensland.
My advice to anyone looking at entering this completion and who may be scared or not sure what they can gain… I will tell you this now. This experience has been life changing. Miss Mudgeeraba has helped me grow and transform into a more confident woman. I have made life long friends and loved every second of the journey. I would like to express my sincere thanks for all the love and support I have received from my show society friends and family.

A Chance to Learn...
Monique Williams
2017 Mudgeeraba Show Rural Ambassador and 2017 South East Queensland Rural Ambassador
During my time as the 2017 Mudgeeraba Show and South East Queensland Rural Ambassador, I have been privileged to work with some remarkable people from all over the state. Throughout my year I have learnt about agriculture and the importance of communication within the state, the shows history and operations, community spirit and myself. I can confidently say that if I were to have the opportunity again, I would jump at the chance and encourage more young people, regardless of your knowledge or interaction with shows or agriculture to put their hand up for a chance to learn. As this year is coming to a close, I reflect on the experiences I have had and can’t wait to continue working within these networks.

Once in a Lifetime Experience...
Kaitlyn Shultz
2016 South East Queensland Miss Showgirl, 2016 Queensland Country Life Miss Showgirl, 2017 Mudgeeraba Show Youth Committee Secretary, 2017 South East Sub Chamber Secretary, 2018 Mudgeeraba Show Management Committee Member and 2018 Queensland Next Generation Vice President
How time flies when you’re having the time of your life! At only 20 years old I have done so much, seen so much, and met so many incredible people. I was inspired, humbled, educated and happy every step of the way. Over the twelve months of my Queensland Country Life Miss Showgirl journey, I was so incredibly lucky to have been invited to over 30 agricultural shows and their various functions. I am amazed to say that excluding my trip over to America, I travelled approximately 17,500km with my role. I enjoyed each and every experience, and each offered me something new to learn.
I travelled over to America to attend the International Association of Fair and Exhibitions conference, and loved every moment learning about other agricultural shows across the world.
I will forever remember my time at Tara, where I opened my first show, and discovered yabby races, which have now become a great drawcard at our own Mudgeeraba Woodchop Bar. I will also cherish my time at Wandoan, where I raced a goat. My time at Goondiwindi, where I judged my first poultry competition, or the time where I travelled to four shows in four days, visiting Charleville, Ipswich, Brookfield then Alpha. I will of course always have the memory of opening my own show, Mudgeeraba.
The showgirl competition is so incredibly important. It not only offers incredible opportunities for young women across Queensland to engage with their community and agricultural shows, but it also provides opportunities to grow and learn in both the personal and professional fields.
I strongly believe that without the showgirl competition, I would not be as confident or well spoken today. I have learnt more about other people from all walks of life. I have learnt to appreciate further the time and effort that our valuable primary producers place into their businesses every day. I have been inspired to share their messages in my own community, and hope to engage others to do the same.
The Agricultural Show movement has the largest volunteer base in Australia, however even though there are thousands of volunteers across the hundreds of Ag Shows, we remain a kind of family. As the Queensland Showgirl I was welcomed and accepted into so many communities in Queensland, and that is something that I will forever cherish.
I would like to express my endless thanks to my Mudgeeraba Show Society Family, for all that they’ve done over the years and to my family. My passion for the Agricultural Show Movement is thanks to them. I am so grateful for this experience and sad to see this chapter of my life close but as they say, when one door closes, another opens. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for me next!

More than the Sash, More than a Show...
Ruby Priestley
2016 Miss Mudgeeraba Showgirl, 2016 Youth Committee President , 2019 Youth Committee Vice President, 2019 Mudgeeraba Show Rural Ambassador
“Oh so did you have to do like a routine with a feather boa or was it more like preaching world peace in a bikini?” – Somehow these questions led to a discussion on Youth Involvement in the Agricultural Show Movement.
I’m Ruby, the 2016 Miss Mudgeeraba Showgirl an. As I hand over my sash to the next, firstly, I can’t believe that this chapter of my life is complete. From riding in a vintage car during the Grand Parade to getting lost somewhere between Warwick and Goondiwindi with 2016 Queensland Country Life Showgirl Kaitlyn Shultz – I have literally had the ride of my life.
Sure I got to wear a gorgeous sash, attend important events and even represent the Show Society in the BLEACH* Beauty Pageant, but I also got to steward the Home Brew Section in the Pavilion and help sell raffle tickets at the Dinner Dance. Showgirl to me, was always more than the sash, it was being apart of something greater. My time as 2016 Showgirl has brought me into a fantastically diverse community of people, all with the common purpose of making the Show just a little bit better than the previous year and celebrating the rich history of Agricultural Shows in Australia.
The Mudgeeraba Show Society does not just start and end with the Mudgeeraba Show, it is a community – brought together by the love of Agricultural Shows but united by the monthly meetings and the hundreds of community events that the Show Society is involved in throughout the year. I have been fortunate to be involved since in the Mudgeeraba Show Society Youth Committee, focused specifically on bringing our generation to the Show. Succession planning has never been more vital for Show Societies and with modern technology putting instant entertainment at our fingertips – the traditional family day out at the local show has never been more at risk.
The Youth Committee encapsulates all that is traditionally loved about the Mudgeeraba Show and market it towards our generation through social media and events. Moreover, we are committed to running programs like Showgirl, Rural Ambassador, Young Farmers Challenge and the Dalby Exchange to target a generation that would otherwise be lost to the enriching Agricultural Show Movement. If anything, I am an example of what the Youth Committee can achieved, bringing a 21-year-old university student the wonderful community that is the Mudgeeraba Show Society.